Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Hello beloved Cell.

I am not sure if this is alright with you all but I just wish to share with you guys, some insights that Daddy gives me every day while i am here in USA. I mean I believe it is the least I can do while I am here and still stay connected with you all. And it is something that is really in my heart, to just share the things He has taught me to bless you all and in anyways I can be of help to you all, do let me know ok? SMILES

I was reading Acts 6-7 and the verses from chapter 7 verses 54-60 really spoke to me. It is the stoning of Stephen. If you do a study on Stephen, he is a man of dignity and guts. This guy has guts. He understood the situation he is in when he makes his speech to the Sanhedrin. Yet he has a deep trust in God. In the light of this confidence in Him, death seems like a small matter. He spoke with conviction, and most likely he knows what he is getting himself into. He is risking his own life when he made the speech in Acts 7. Why did he do that? I propose, that clearly he knows this message is worth the risk. So much so that he placed his life on the line.

And he paid the sacrifice. The members of the Sanhedrin reacted to his speech in Act 7:54-60. He made them very angry and he knew he will be facing the consequences. What did he do? He looked up to heaven. Stephen did not back down, he did not try to appease the people and hope to soften the blow that was about to come. He stood his ground. He looked beyond his immediate circumstances to what lay ahead. He knew his reward is in heaven. That is what gave him the courage to move ahead.

I noticed in verse 58, there is a man watching. SAUL, who later became the apostle Paul. I propose that when Stephen prayed and said, "Lord Jesus, do not hold this sin against them", I believe Saul was listening. And it had an impact on him too.

Do we stand up for Jesus in times when our faith is being challenged? I wonder when will our moment of truth come, where we are placed in a situation, be it standing up and walk away because some of our friends are talking about things that are really not correct, or when we are in the middle of gossips, or to bigger issues like defending our faith. I wonder when it does, will all of us be able to face it with the courage and faithfulness of Stephen, regardless of the personal cost that will be incurred upon us.

We are all in the same boat. Daily, we will face times when we have to stand firm and not backdown. May we all learn from Stephen with the strength that our God in Heaven has given us.

Love you all,

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