Sunday, May 11, 2008

Testimony Of Healing To My Womb

I always had this problem of heavy bleeding during my monthly period (It was so bad till I had to visit the toilet every one and a half hour). This is because I have a bulky womb with thick wall lining. Besides this, my womb is tilted and it’s resting on the spinal bone and hence, about 1 week prior to and during my period, I would experience aches around my lower back and at my lower right waist. The pain at the lower right waist would stretch to my right knee and I would experience difficulty in walking. This would be my most terrible time of the month. I’m like a walking zombie performing my daily tasks. The bleeding would worsen if I carried a heavy object and I often had to rush to the toilet immediately.

I also had to abstain from all fruits, cold foods and cold drinks at all times as these would add on to the heavy bleeding. It was very torturous, especially when ice cream is one of my favourite foods. I’ve always envied those who were enjoying their fruit juices during lunch time.

There was a time when my bleeding was not so heavy. But, just recently, I suffered a relapse again. This was the second time my condition took a turn for the worse. There is no medical cure for this illness, unless, I remove my womb or go for womb cleansing. These were not practical options. Nevertheless, there were times when I did have thoughts of removing my womb as I could not endure all the pre-menstrual symptoms and heavy bleeding. It was affecting my daily activities.

I shared with Aurelia about this problem. She prayed for me on one Saturday after service. Whilst she was praying, I felt this warmness around my head and I believe it was God’s anointing on me and I was going to be healed by Him. My period for this month delayed and this was a good sign.

Then again, I still had a heavy flow on the first day of my period and every single thing irritated me.

I attended the special healing service on 9 May 2008 and this happened to be my first day of my period. After the message, Prophet Kobus asked us to stand as he prayed. The moment I got up from my seat, the bleeding was so heavy that it was like a running tap water. During this prayer, I had this feeling of wanting to fall back but I controlled as I did not want to be the first one to slain. The moment he prayed for healing to those with a tilted womb, this heavy bleeding stopped immediately and I also experienced the same warmness when Aurelia prayed for me earlier on.

Aurelia then accompanied me to the altar for prayer as I did not have the courage to go up alone. Prophet Kobus’ wife prayed for me. I finally slained and during that time, I had this peaceful feeling and I experienced the same warmness earlier on while at my seat. That night, my bleeding lessened.

Yesterday (my second day of period), the bleeding lessened tremendously, compared to the previous months. Also, my womb has shrunk. Previously, my abdominal area looks as if I was three months pregnant. Now, the abdominal area has reduced in size!

From this, I conclude that GOD HAS COMPLETELY HEALED ME of this illness which I was suffering from for many years.

I thank God for this miraculous work that he has done for me! I also would like to thank Aurelia and all those who had prayed with me.

Praise be to God!!!


Suffy said...

hey isabelle!! because i'm a girl too i know what you mean when you say all those stuff and i really cannot imagine it happening it sounds really bad BUT I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU NOW!!! God really has lifted off this monthly burden off you, i really am happy for you i thank God for you as well. this is great man!!!!!!! God is good :D maybe you should send this to your doctor so he can share with other women who hv the same problem!

Anonymous said...

Hey Isabelle, Are you keen to share your testimony over the pulpit at youth service? Let me know?

perlela said...

hey isabel! is this isabel zee or is there another isabel in cell hmmm...hehe..anyway...its a good testimony!! am blessed by thinking..God! you're really still working today...more of you God, please?