Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cell outing Part 7

The preparation~! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!! kick off!!
jin si mian, right?? looks really healthy. actually it's quite nice.su fern helping out with the salmon spread biscuit sandwiches!! wah trademark already.. "salmon spread biscuit sandwiches (TM)"
uber jin si group!!
the pasta team. the fourcheesepastamix.
who say u (u!! yes u dun look behind.) can eat huh?
it's sizzzzzzzzzzzlingg hot!!
haha.theluncheonmeatwasatotalfailure.. -.--.----..
time for the bambooshoot thingg this is the best. the rest of the luncheonmeatarghjusttossitallintothemesstinandfrythemup.

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